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Figma / Storytelling / Interaction Design



The was a solo project for a UI/UX course with Chris Swain at IYA. Gifted was devised after Dalle-2 and MidJourney but before ChatGPT or Bing chat made the concept effectively obsolete. But this was a fantastic exercise in human-centered design. I expanded my skills in user research and testing and learned a lot about the importance of storytelling in design. I am proud of the work I did on this project and I am excited to share it here.




Even with Amazon, gift apps, and the entire internet, finding good gifts still requires a ton of work. There still is no single solution that offers a seamless gifting experience.


Design Decisions

Key decisions included:

  • Use proprietary AI to search entire web for suggestions
  • Smart suggestions based on recipients personality and interests
  • Text/Email Gifting
  • Creating a wishlist for to share with network

User Story Wireframe

As a account holder, I quickly manage my wish list, my gift list, and know what my friends and family want from my phone.


Visual Value Proposition Draft

This was a stretching assignment for me because it forced me tell a story visually. There were many VVP drafts. This was one of the ones that didn't make it.


Other Candidates



After many more iterations, feedback, and more iterating I landed on this one because it told the story I wanted to tell. The image on the left was an actual google result.



Explore the Gifted prototype in Figma by clicking the button below.


Initial Business Model

Freemium with affiliate marketing, ads, partnerships, and subscriptions.

Next Steps

The next steps for this project would be construct an MVP and conduct user research to validate the concept or pivot. I would also need to conduct market research to determine the viability of the product.


I grew my Figma and design skills by leaps and bounds through this project. Professor Swain pushed us to do our most excellent work and I really did do my best. I learned a lot about the importance of user research and testing. I also learned a lot about the importance of storytelling in design. I am proud of the work I did on this project, even if the idea is kaput.





User Research

Interaction Design